Sax Matson


Playing in tournaments with BBNW and in the championships, college coaches were able to see us in person. It was also valuable because we got to meet and speak with coaches first hand. BBNW provides one of the best opportunities to showcase your talents right in front of some of the best schools in the country. 

My experiences were amazing! I got to play with and against some of the best talent throughout the NW and country. BBNW gave me a tremendous platform which definitely helped provide the opportunity to play baseball at USC. BBNW values the players more than anything, and makes sure they are in a position to succeed. 100% do it! Only good comes out of playing in their events or with their teams. College coaches from all over have a chance to see you, and the BBNW staff makes sure that you are in a position to succeed.

The BBNW staff is fantastic! They value all players in work to help everyone that they can. Coach Josh Warner played a huge role in my recruitment, and if I had any questions he was there to help if possible.