PEC - Newberg, OR

Facility: George Fox University-Morse Athletic Fields
Tuesday, June 25 (2025-2026 grads)
Wednesday, June 26 (2025-2027 grads)
Thursday, June 27 (2027-2029 grads)
*You only need to attend one day. You will choose which date best fits your schedule during registration.

Event Description: 
Our 2024 Prospect Evaluation Camps will take place all over the Northwest for the grad classes 2025-2029. These one-day camps include a pro-style workout consisting of batting practice, fielding, catching, and pitching; Baseball Athletic Rating testing; and edited video clips of each player. Our specially-designed Prospect Evaluation Camps are a way for you to build your “baseball resume” by showcasing your third-party verified measurables and edited video.

Why I should attend a Prospect Evaluation Camp:
By attending a Prospect Evaluation Camp, you will receive a player profile on the Baseball Northwest website with your video clips, BAR score, and velocities from the workout. These profiles can be sent to college coaches and scouts to aid in your recruiting process. Attending a Prospect Evaluation Camp also allows our qualified BBNW staff to fully evaluate you as a player and provide you with honest feedback and an unbiased opinion of your abilities. We encourage players to attend a Prospect Evaluation Camp each summer to record up-to-date video and measurable data so that we can more accurately promote you as a player, and so that coaches can see your progression.

Other events I am eligible for by attending a PEC:
By attending a PEC, you are also eligible for an invitation to the Northwest Championships which hosts the largest gathering of college recruiters and professional scouts at a Northwest amateur tournament. This event is a weekend showcase tournament in which 600 of the top Northwest athletes compete against each other. Attending a PEC also makes you eligible for an invitation to other national tournaments, many of which Baseball Northwest holds an exclusive Northwest bid. Players will also be eligible for consideration for exclusive national-level events only offered through Baseball Northwest like the Arizona Fall Classic and the Arizona Draft Prospect Classic.

Number of positions I can workout at:
There are four registration options

(1) Pitcher Only

Players will workout as a pitcher at a discounted rate. Players who choose to workout as a Pitcher Only will not take batting practice or workout at a position in the field. You will participate in BAR testing and throw a bullpen for the evaluation. Pitching velocities, spin rates and video will be captured and added to your player profile.

(2) Position Player

Those who register as a Position Player are allowed to workout/be filmed at ONE fielding position. This should be the primary position you train and play in your spring/summer season. You will also be filmed take batting practice and go through BAR testing. Offensive and defensive velocities will be captured and added to your profile.

(3) Position Player + Additional Position

Players for this registration type will be able to workout/be filmed at TWO different defensive positions. This is intended for someone who plays two completely different positions (i.e. catcher and outfield). If the positions are similar, like (3B and SS),  we suggest you do not register for the additional position and only workout at one of the two.  A Position Player + Additional Position will receive defensive velocities for both positions. You will also take batting practice and do BAR testing.

(4) Position Player + Pitcher

Those who consider themselves to be a pitcher and position player can register to do both, which will allow you to workout at one fielding position and pitch. Offensive, defensive, and pitching velocities/spin rates will be captured and uploaded to your profile. You will also take batting practice and go through BAR testing.

  BBNW 2024 PEC Pricing Graphic 

How does the BAR work?

Baseball Northwest and Eric Trice have developed a series of sports-related athletic tests designed to capture the key aspects of athleticism in baseball. The Baseball Athletic Rating, or BAR, combines individual tests into a single percentile representing an athlete’s overall athletic ability. Your BAR score will show you how you rank compared to all athletes in your region that were tested in that particular year. If you test twice in one particular year, your best score on each individual test in that year will be combined for your best BAR score.

BAR Advanced Search

What does the BAR test?

The BAR evaluates a baseball player’s explosive speed, agility/quickness, and rotational power.  The 5 tests performed are:

  1. 60 Yard Dash (Laser timed)
  2. 30 Yard Dash (Laser timed)
  3. Broad Jump
  4. L-Drill
  5. Medicine Ball Throw (6 lbs) 

Where can I find protocols for the BAR?

Players can find all BAR protocols at

What do I do with my BAR score?

What you can measure, you can improve!

Now that you have your BAR, you have a snapshot of your overall athleticism level.  Next step, set athletic goals and implement ways on how to improve in the desired tested area(s).

Disclaimer: The BAR is just one tool of many that Baseball Northwest staff uses to evaluate you as player. A high BAR score does not automatically guarantee you an invite to a Baseball Northwest event.


George Fox University
Morse Athletic Fields Fulton St
Newberg, OR


  • Baseball pants (gray or white), hat, socks, belt
  • Helmet, bat, glove, catchers gear (if applicable)
  • Baseball cleats and turfs
  • Lunch or snack
  • Water or sports drink
  • Baseball Northwest will provide a dri-fit top. 

(1) Pitcher Only– Players will workout as a pitcher at a discounted rate. Players who choose to workout as a Pitcher Only will not take batting practice or workout at a position in the field. You will participate in BAR testing and throw a bullpen for video. Velocity and spin rates will also be captured and added to your player profile.

(2) Position Player– Those who register as a Position Player are allowed to workout/be filmed at ONE fielding position. This should be the primary position you train and play in your spring/summer season. You will also be filmed take batting practice and go through BAR testing. Offensive and defensive velocities will be captured and added to your profile.

(3) Position Player + Additional Position – Players for this registration type will be able to workout/be filmed at TWO different defensive positions. This is intended for someone who plays two completely different positions (i.e. catcher and outfield). If the positions are similar, like (3B and SS),  we suggest you do not register for the additional position and only workout at one of the two.  A Position Player + Additional Position will receive defensive velocities for both positions. You will also take batting practice and do BAR testing.

(4) Position Player + Pitcher– Those who consider themselves to be a pitcher and position player can register to do both, which will allow you to workout at one fielding position and pitch. Offensive, defensive, and pitching velocities/spin rates will be captured and uploaded to your profile. You will also take batting practice and go through BAR testing.

BBNW 2024 PEC Pricing Graphic 

Our 2024 Prospect Evaluation Camps will take place all over the Northwest for the grad classes 2025-2029. These one-day camps include a pro-style workout consisting of batting practice, fielding, catching, and pitching; Baseball Athletic Rating testing; and edited video clips of each player. Our specially-designed Prospect Evaluation Camps are a way for you to build your “baseball resume” by showcasing your third-party verified measurables and edited video.

  • Baseball Northwest player profile to be used as a recruiting tool
  • Sports Video Northwest video clips uploaded to YouTube & downloadable files sent to the player
  • Verified, trusted, and searchable measurable data including pitching and fielding velocities, spin rates, exit velocity, and a BAR score with laser-timed 60
  • Percentile rankings associated with all metrics captured
  • Event Leaderboard
  • Baseball Northwest dri-fit top
  • Consideration for exclusive regional and national events with Baseball Northwest
  • Baseball Northwest staff will assist and offer guidance to any player who requests help with their recruiting efforts
  • Feedback from college coaches on your strengths and weaknesses, upon request after September 1st

Yes. Players can attend whichever Prospect Evaluation Camp and date that best fits their schedule. During registration be sure to select the actual date you plan to attend (even if it doesn’t show your grad class).

Baseball Northwest and Eric Trice have developed a series of sports-related athletic tests designed to capture the key aspects of athleticism in baseball. The Baseball Athletic Rating, or BAR, combines individual tests into a single percentile representing an athlete’s overall athletic ability. Your BAR score will show you how you rank compared to all athletes in your region that were tested in that particular year. If you test twice in one particular year, your best score on each individual test in that year will be combined for your best BAR score.

The BAR evaluates a baseball player’s explosive speed, agility/quickness, and rotational power.  The 5 tests performed are:

  • 60 Yard Dash
  • 30 Yard Dash
  • Broad Jump
  • L-Drill
  • Medicine Ball Throw (6 lbs)

Bar Protocols

We will post any rainout information on our social media accounts and email each registered attendee.

  • Northwest Championships
  • Arizona Fall Classic
  • AZ Draft Prospect Calssic
  • Perfect Game: World Series, WWBA World Championship, Northwest Showcase
  • Area Code Team Tryout (Kansas City Royals)
  • Top Prospect & Watch Lists

No. Players are selected for teams based on their schools geographical location or position. You may occasionally be invited to play for a team out of your region; this is done to maximize playing time.

No. All PECs are structured the same.

Invites are sent out via email in the spring and continue to be sent throughout the summer as players are recommended to us.

Have your coach email us a brief recommendation on your behalf to [email protected] or contact us directly. All athletes interested in playing baseball beyond HS are welcome to attend.

# Name High School Class Pos.
Connor Abbott Estacada HS (OR) 2025 OF
Santiago Alarcon Central HS (OR) 2027 SS
Dante Ang Unknown (OR) 2029 RHP
Jackson Ashley Oregon City HS (OR) 2026 LHP
Logan Baranick West Linn HS (OR) 2027 3B
Jack Barss Lakeridge HS (OR) 2025 OF
Elliot Benjamin Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2025 RHP
Benson Billings Mountainside HS (OR) 2029 OF
Max Bishop La Salle Prep (OR) 2025 OF
Noah Boria Nelson HS (OR) 2025 SS
Dane Boyle Oregon City HS (OR) 2027 C
Braylon Branco Sherwood HS (OR) 2029 OF
Callum Broadfoot Grant HS (OR) 2027 LHP
Landon Brown Sherwood HS (OR) 2026 3B
Brayden Buck Tualatin HS (OR) 2025 OF
Jack Burnham Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2027 LHP
Connor Cook Pendleton HS (OR) 2025 2B
Jace Dalton Sprague HS (OR) 2025 2B
Justice Diaz Nelson HS (OR) 2027 1B
Riley DuBois Scappoose HS (OR) 2025 C
Luke Erwin South Salem HS (OR) 2025 LHP
Bennett Ferguson Grant HS (OR) 2027 RHP
Jake Fisher Grant HS (OR) 2027 RHP
Ben Foglio Clackamas HS (OR) 2027 LHP
Nolan Foglio Clackamas HS (OR) 2026 C
Oscar Fulford Grant HS (OR) 2026 C
Noah Gaibler Sunset HS (OR) 2027 3B
Justin Garland West Salem HS (OR) 2026 OF
David Gier West Salem HS (OR) 2027 OF
Cole Glassberg Grant HS (OR) 2027 C
Maguire Gray Sherwood HS (OR) 2026 C
Hayden Grot Aloha HS (OR) 2026 SS
Koen Hall Sunset HS (OR) 2027 1B
Brayson Harper Sam Barlow HS (OR) 2026 OF
Carter Hawes Newberg HS (OR) 2026 C
Ryan Hemsley West Linn HS (OR) 2026 RHP
Colby Herren Canby HS (OR) 2025 1B
Torsten Hersom La Salle Prep (OR) 2025 RHP
Xavier Hertel Grant HS (OR) 2027 C
Elliot Hiestand Oregon City HS (OR) 2027 RHP
Art Hill Pendleton HS (OR) 2025 2B
Cade Horrocks King's Way Christian (WA) 2027 RHP
Liam Irish West Valley HS (AK) (AK) 2025 SS
Case Iverson Seton Catholic (WA) 2026 OF
Carter Jackson Gresham HS (OR) 2025 RHP
Caden Kingsbury Glencoe HS (OR) 2027 C
Parker Kruse Sprague HS (OR) 2027 SS
Chess Lewer Santiam Christian HS (OR) 2027 C
Nate Little Columbia River HS (WA) 2025 3B
Joaquin Luna Aloha HS (OR) 2026 1B
Cash Martin McNary HS (OR) 2025 RHP
Kallen Mattila Scappoose HS (OR) 2026 RHP
Lukas McLeroy Lakeridge HS (OR) 2025 LHP
Kainoa Meyer Sam Barlow HS (OR) 2026 OF
Peyton Nash Sherwood HS (OR) 2025 SS
Lincoln Norick Grant HS (OR) 2026 RHP
Declan O'Brien La Salle Prep (OR) 2026 SS
Will Olson Estacada HS (OR) 2025 SS
Nash Opitz McMinnville HS (OR) 2025 SS
Jackson Poole Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2025 OF
Ramsey Prentice Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2027 C
Braden Robinson Tigard HS (OR) 2027 C
Walter Robinson Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2026 RHP
AJ Rodriguez Aloha HS (OR) 2025 1B
Carson Rommel Tigard HS (OR) 2027 1B
Orion Scarpine Grant HS (OR) 2027 C
Cole Schmidt Sam Barlow HS (OR) 2025 RHP
Timothy Schulz Clackamas HS (OR) 2025 OF
Conor Segel Grant HS (OR) 2027 OF
Kellan Sheldon Lake Oswego HS (OR) 2026 LHP
Johnathin Silvis Sandy HS (OR) 2025 C
Calen Simonelic Tualatin HS (OR) 2026 OF
Isaac Snyder Sherwood HS (OR) 2029 SS
Kai Sugiuchi West Linn HS (OR) 2026 C
Liam Sundsted Forest Grove HS (OR) 2029 SS
Dax Teixeira Beaverton HS (OR) 2025 RHP
Dash Tichenor Lincoln HS (OR) 2027 RHP
Cameron van Kempen Sprague HS (OR) 2026 OF
Cole Vestal Sprague HS (OR) 2026 2B
Abino Villalobos-Vazquez Mountainside HS (OR) 2027 SS
Benjamin Wiepert Wilsonville HS (OR) 2027 OF
Jake Wight Central Catholic HS (OR) 2026 OF
Grae Wilson Ida B. Wells HS (OR) 2027 RHP
Riley Wilson Sprague HS (OR) 2026 SS

Baseball Northwest provides all our Prospect Evaluation Camp attendees with edited recruiting videos. Our partner, Sports Video Northwest, brings nearly 30 years of expertise in the industry. Below are examples of each position. Videos will be uploaded to the player's BBNW profile within 2-3 weeks of the event once embed codes are received by Baseball Northwest. 

Cost: Included in PEC Price

  • Fully edited video of your workout to show best reps including a focus on mechanics, athleticism, and footwork ($375 value)
  • Multiple camera angles for batting practice and pitching
  • Posted to your BBNW Profile & YouTube 
  • Digital files sent via email - formatted to easily integrate with other platforms

Please contact Ryan Berndt at Sports Video Northwest with all video questions.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 253-740-0471

Recruiting Video Examples 


PEC Schedule Graphic Vertical1